“What’s the best poker game you can play?” I’m asked often. A lot of people wonder this, so I thought I would give you a answer. I say, “Texas Hold’em.”
If you have never played poker than you don’t really know the rules well enough. When I say I know the rules, I mean I know which hand beats which hand. I know which hand is better than another. But, when it comes to playing the best poker game, Texas Hold’em, I’m not sure how many rules there are.
There are, however, a few very important rules that you should always keep in mind. The first rule is that the dealer is not allowed to play. This is because he is a dealer. He is the representative of the casino and just another player. The dealer is not a good player and therefore cannot play. The other players around the dealer are the good players. They are there to win and not to bleed.
You can tell if a dealer is a good player or not by looking at how many hands he plays. A dealer will play for a number of hands, as long as that many hand he has in his hand. The number of hands he will play is a public record and he will not be secret if he has been playing a lot of hands.
One of the rules in Texas Hold’em is that you can stay in the game without having a real hand if you want to. If you think you have a really good hand and you want to play it you can adjust the stakes to 2 to 4 dollars. However, if you are playing it with no money than you should resist the temptation. Play the hand only for free if you have no money than you will lose your money otherwise.
The other rule is that you should think of the flop as five cards. Now you can’t see what the other players may have. However you have to remember what high cards are usually being used. If there is a high card then you should fold a seven and ace especially if the board ended up with a 10, J, Q, K or Ace. Remember that you don’t have to remember all the cards, just remember the ones that are highest. And if the board has an Ace you should call all the bets without raising.
Play is almost everyone’s favorite pastime. However, one cannot understand poker unless he plays, and the more you play the more you would know. Do not be intimidated by the aggressive manner in which the players play. You should remember that this is poker and that is what poker is. You cannot suddenly become an aggressive player if you want to be the best player. Learn to be patient and wait for the right hand or the moment in which you can become the monster. Furthermore, as you have read, the monster hand is normally held by the dealer. So past all the other players, the dealer is the one that would really hurt.